
4th of July Safety Tips to Protect Your Holiday Fun!

Jul 01, 2016


4th of July Safety Tips to Protect Your Holiday Fun!

Use these safety tips so the only things you see blow up this 4th of July are fireworks!  

Congrats! You made it to the holiday weekend! With the 4th of July right around the corner, long, sunny days of barbecues, pool parties, and fireworks displays are getting underway. Independence Day is a fantastic time to spend with friends and family, and we want to help you keep your holiday happy and healthy. In an effort to do exactly that, we’ve gathered a few key 4th of July safety tips.

  1. Take care of your body. During a weekend with so much going on, it’s easy to ignore the little things. The problem is that this leads to sunburn, heat-related illness, and other fun-ruining issues. Make sure you stay on top of your sunscreen application and drink plenty of water!
  2. Be smart with fireworks. The best way to enjoy fireworks is to leave them to the pros. But if you just can’t ignore the desire to light a few sparklers at home, make sure you keep them well away from kids and pets. Light one at a time (don’t try to relight a dud!) and keep water on hand just in case.
  3. Use caution around the grill. Even if you’re a self-proclaimed grill master, the barbecue is still an inherently dangerous fire-filled piece of equipment. Don’t take it lightly! Never leave a grill unattended, and keep pets and kids clear of it. Also, make sure your grill is a safe distance away from anything that could catch fire (e.g. decks, overhanging tree branches, shrubs). While you grill, use long-handled tools and keep a spray bottle of water on hand. That will help you douse any flare-ups without ruining the meal!

Happy 4th of July from Tompkins Insurance Agencies! We want to help you celebrate Independence Day independent from worry about life’s what-ifs. Contact us for all of your personal and business insurance needs.

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