
How to Avoid Property Damage from Heavy Rain

Apr 05, 2018


How to Avoid Property Damage from Heavy Rain

Safeguard your property by protecting it from rainstorms.

Our properties need to be taken care of throughout the year. Depending on what season it is, you will need to do different jobs to ensure it is a safe place to be. Being able to protect your property in the event of a storm isn’t only about ensuring that your roof tiles are secure and that outdoor blinds are retractable, as it is just as important to make sure nothing in your garden like trees or bushes pose a danger if heavy rain or strong winds comes your way. In the Garden:
  • Get your big plants and trees regularly trimmed, pruned, and well-maintained to ensure they don’t have any loose branches that can fly off during a storm.
  • Remove old, dead, or dying trees.
  • Ensure everything is planted away from your windows.
  • Bring plant pots, outdoor furniture, and toys inside before a storm hits.
  • Clean out the gutters, removing debris and dirty.
  • Direct downspouts away from the home’s foundation.
  • Replace or repair your roof if shingles are deteriorating or missing.
Inside the Home:
  • Hire a plumber to check the weeping tile and sump pump.
  • Ask your plumber about installing a backwater valve. This is a device that stops water and sewage from coming back into a house during times of heavy rainfall.
  • Seal cracks around windows and in the basement foundation and floors.
  • Ensure there is no water or light coming in through your roof.
  • During heavy rainfalls, minimize your home water use.
Help to safeguard your property during and after a storm with these tips. Visit Tompkins Insurance for help securing homeowners insurance to suit your needs.
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