
Tompkins Insurance Offers HR Workshops

Jun 07, 2017


Tompkins Insurance Offers HR Workshops
Together with our HR Consulting Partner, Reading-Berks HR Management, Tompkins Insurance invites you to attend one of our upcoming HR Workshops in the Wyomissing and Blue Bell, PA areas. Register today and feel free to invite your colleagues to attend one of our sessions: June 27 - Wyomissing region Crowne Plaza Reading, 1741 Papermill Road        Wyomissing Region - June 27 - Click to RSVP Or, June 28 - Blue Bell region 1767 Sentry Parkway West, Blue Bell        Blue Bell Region - June 28 - Click to RSVP Panel of Experts: Laura Rader Sr. HR Consultant I Reading-Berks HR Management Pete Bergonzi Sr. HR Consulant I Reading-Berks HR Management Kimberly Russell, Esq. Principal, Employment Attorney I Kaplin Stewart Agenda: 8:30-9:00 AM Registration / Continental Breakfast 9:00 – 10:00 AM Navigating the HR Regulatory Landscape in 2017 & Beyond While not all policy details are fully spelled out, federal and state governments have outlined a framework on key issues, including immigration, overtime compensatory pay, health care, family leave, pay disclosure and pay equity laws that will have a major impact on organizations in the coming year.  We will discuss current and future HR regulations impacting businesses and steps companies can take to prepare for these changes. 10:00 – 11:00 AM Buzzed at Work: The Effects of Drug Use in the Workplace The results of drug use (both legal and illegal drugs) at work is staggering and results in a variety of issues including poor attendance, theft, sleeping on the job, loss of efficiency, lower morale among co-workers, insubordination, disciplinary issues and higher turnover, all of which are costly to employers.  Another very important factor that is often overlooked and misunderstood is how substance abuse of family members can negatively affect an employee’s work performance. Find out what you need to do to develop a comprehensive policy as well as how to address these difficult issues as they arise, either directly with the employee, or with a family member who comes to you seeking assistance.
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